Massagesalon Sit Wat Pho in Mortsel, uw hemel op aarde
Terms and Conditions Sit Wat Pho
Article 1 - definitions
1) The seller: Sit Wat Pho BVBA with company number 0633.871.046 with registered office at 2640 Mortsel, Antwerpsestraat 21.
2) The website: Website with the web address https://www.sitwatpho.be/ as well as the subdomains;
3) The conditions: The general conditions
4) The reservation : An order placed by a customer via our website, telephone or at our business (registered office).
5) The location: The general terms and conditions will be posted on our website
6) The customer: The person who books a massage or purchases a gift card.
7) Customer service: Customer service can be reached via our website or by telephone on 03/457.07.38
8) The product : Traditional Thai massage and relatives.
Article 2 - General
The general terms and conditions apply to all massages and other purchases, including gift vouchers. The conditions therefore apply to all purchased services to which both the seller and the buyer have committed themselves by means of an appointment made or the purchase of a voucher;
Unless otherwise agreed, these general terms and conditions regulate the rules regarding the reservation/purchase of a massage, the use of the website, as well as the use of the content and placing a reservation via the aforementioned website;
The content of our website may not be used for commercial purposes except in the context of the following paragraph with the consent of the seller;
The use of the content in its personal form, whether commercial or not, is only permitted if the seller has given permission for this and where reference is made to clearly at first sight, the link with the seller or with the website is preserved. , is permitted;
The conditions applicable to the sale are those published at the time of booking or purchasing the gift voucher. For the sake of transparency, an archive of the terms and conditions will be kept and made available at the bottom of our website;
An agreement is deemed to have been concluded when Sit Wat Pho has provided the required information with the reservation, i.e. name + mobile number, the reservation is considered confirmed and the agreement is deemed to have been concluded. The evening before the appointment, the customer receives a memo message via SMS in connection with his appointment. The seller will take all possible measures in the context of the reservation to protect the interests of the customer.
Article 3 - Our services
All our services are provided by qualified people. Every massage therapist has the necessary diplomas
Our services can be used by anyone who wishes to use them, with the exception of people with erotic desires. They are not welcome in our business. If during the massage it appears that the customer has a personal erotic desire or requests the masseuse to grant this, the customer is requested to dress, the price of the massage + a compensation (violation of our conditions 15% of the total price ) and leave the business.
The reservation is made by mail, telephone or in person in our business (registered office).
Article 4 - Service description
We do everything we can to ensure that all massages go as desired. However, we do not guarantee that the result of the massage is immediately noticeable. Every person is different and will therefore react differently to the massage.
While we strive to keep our website as current as possible, the information posted on our website at any time, including service description, promotion, pricing, may not always be updated as accurately as in our case.
Artikel 5 - De prijs
Alle prijzen van onze diensten staan zowel op onze website als op onze brochure. Dit moet u op voorhand met een van onze medewerkers bespreken. Enkel bij een unaniem akkoord van Sit Wat Pho kan deze prijsvermindering gegeven worden. Kinderen, studenten, 65-plussers en andersvaliden genieten bij ons een gunstig tarief mits voorlegging van de gepaste documenten (ID, Attest mutualiteit, studentenkaart,…)
Article 6 - Language
The general terms and conditions are in Dutch.
Article 7 - Payment
Payment for the appointments is made after the massage. Or if the customer wishes, this can also be done before the massage. If the customer physically comes to us to make a reservation, he will be asked to pay for the reservation. We do this to ensure that the customer comes effectively.
If the customer wants to book through lifestyle, the customer must pay before the receipt can be printed.
The amount stated on the gift vouchers can be split. The can also choose to add
We only accept cash. We do not have bancontact
Article 8 - Liability
It is the client's responsibility to inform the therapist in advance of any surgical procedures or the use of medication that could affect the massage.
If the buyer's information obligation is not applied, the seller is not responsible for the consequences.
Article 9 - Risk
If the customer sustains physical damage during the massage, this must be proven and reported at the counter, by mail or by telephone. For example, we can open a file with our insurance company to reimburse the costs incurred if necessary.
The customer must take into account the intensity of the massage. For example, the risk of physical damage is greater with a hard massage than a massage with a lower intensity. This has to do with the sensitivity of the skin and differs from person to person. It is the customer's responsibility to estimate the carrying capacity of the body itself.
Article 10 - Delivery of the gift voucher
Een cadeaubon kan telefonisch, via mail of bij ons aan de balie worden aangekocht. Indien de cadeaubon telefonisch of via mail wordt besteld, zal de bon enkel worden opgestuurd indien wij de betaling hebben ontvangen.
De betaling gebeurt op het rekeningnummer dat de verkoper verzendt naar de koper. Indien telefonisch wordt besteld zal de aankoop bevestigd worden via mail met bijhorende instructies.
Article 11 - Cancellation of an appointment
An appointment must be canceled 24 hours in advance. If the customer does not come without calling in time, the customer will be placed on a list. In a first incident, the customer will only be added to the list without any consequences. Everyone forgets sometimes. But if the same customer does not come a second time without canceling in time, a fee will be charged in proportion to the therapist's hourly wage. This amount can be collected by bank transfer or at a subsequent appointment.
If the customer nevertheless has a valid reason, we can take this into account and the compensation can be canceled.